Although modern safety measures and technological advances have made working on and around locomotives much safer than before, the railroad industry still puts workers at a greater risk of harm than other industries. Unfortunately, these risks include developing cancer due to the toxic and carcinogenic substances that employees are often exposed to on the job.
Although the Federal Employers Ability Act (FELA) covers long-term illnesses and injuries caused by railroad work, filing a successful claim for this harm can be complex without a knowledgeable railroad injury attorney’s guidance. Our skilled Houston railroad cancer lawyers at Roberts Markland LLP can help you pursue your claim and maximize your chances of obtaining fair financial compensation.
The Links Between Railroad Work and Cancer Diagnoses
Even in today’s society, keeping locomotives in working order and tracks in good condition involves using several chemicals connected with an increased risk of developing cancer. Diesel fumes may be the most common cause of railroad-related cancers, as inhaling these chemicals can lead to lung, bladder, and colon cancer.
Because it was once a very effective fire suppressant and sometimes incorporated into train cars as insulation, asbestos is another substance commonly found in the railroad industry. Unfortunately, it is also a hazardous material to use in places where people work and travel, as inhalation of asbestos fibers has been linked to various deadly medical conditions, such as lung cancer and asbestosis.
Still, other railroad workers may end up dealing with cancer late in their careers or after retiring due to exposure to industrial cleaning agents, weedkilling chemicals, silica dust from gravel rail ties, and benzene. A knowledgeable attorney in Houston could help establish that specific working conditions contributed to a cancer diagnosis and build a comprehensive FELA claim using that information.
Holding a Current or Former Railroad Employer Accountable
While FELA effectively serves as workers’ compensation coverage for railroad workers, it does not work like typical workers’ compensation claims. For example, rather than employers assuming liability for losses like medical bills and lost wages like they would under workers’ comp, a railroad worker trying to recover payments under FELA after a cancer diagnosis must establish that negligence by their current or former employer contributed to their medical condition.
Fortunately, a successful FELA claim can demand restitution for all economic and non-economic damages of a work-related illness or injury, including pain and lost enjoyment of life not usually recoverable through workers’ comp claims. Guidance from a hardworking lawyer in Houston is vital to ensuring that a FELA claim covers all applicable losses and demands appropriate compensation for a person’s illnesses.
Seek Help from a Houston Railroad Cancer Attorney
No one should have to face a cancer diagnosis because of where they work. This fact is especially true for railroad workers who helped support a crucial part of America’s commercial and transportation infrastructure. However, even though federal legislation provides options for railroad workers to seek compensation for the effects of their job-related illnesses, knowing how to obtain those benefits can be challenging without professional legal support.
Fortunately, a Houston railroad cancer lawyer can diligently and tenaciously protect your best interests by filing a claim that accounts for your losses and providing you and your family with a financially stable future. Call today for a consultation.